关于答题策略, 有三点是肯定的:
1. 不管对方问什么, 只要听懂了就要回答, 哪怕自己不知道答案, 尤其是对理工科的,签证官并不懂你的专业, 他们主要是从你答题的方式来判断你是否合格. 只要你的回答不太离谱就行了. 但要小心引出新的自己不懂的问题.。可以设点小圈套, 把签证官往自己熟悉的专业词汇上引。
2. 不必在乎语法, 单复数,时态什么的并不重要。
3. 事先准备的答案最好不要有太长的句子, 太复杂的结构和太拗口的发音. 那样的话,如果背诵时万一一紧张, 卡壳就惨了. 尽量口语化, 能完全消化为自己的东西就好了.回答时语速慢一点, 结巴一些也没关系, 吐字清晰就可以了。
另外我建议敏感专业的同学, 如果感觉来者不善, 宁肯材料被扣也要回答得真诚具体一些, 除非你对另一项不敏感专业同样了如指掌, 可以拿来搪塞. 签证哲学上讲, 越具越真实. 直到现在还没听说过谁因为专业敏感而被据的, 只要不是研究核武器什么的就不用太害怕. 这一点我没有把握, 大家自己斟酌吧。
一. 专业问题 1) What will you study in the United States? What is your major? 2) In what aspect of your major will you study? What is your specific field of study? What is it all about? What is it for? (major) 3) What will you do in USA? What will u do in the ***** university? Are you going to study in USA? What is your purpose to the USA? 4) What are you studying now? 5) What specialty did you study? 6) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD? Tell me what do you do with your thesis and something about your paper. 7) Why did you choose this major? Why do you like your major? Why does this field interest you? 8) Why do you want to study in USA? 9) Why do you want to pursue a doctor‘s degree? Why will you want to get the PhD degree in ** university or **(specialty)? Why do you want to go to USA for the Ph.D. degree? (注:对类似句法的问题,要注意对方重音落在何处,是侧重问为何去美国还是侧重问为何读博士, 答错侧重则徒劳无益.) 10) Why your specialty is important to China? 11) What does your major mean? 12) What will you study in this major? What courses? 13) Can you talk something about the course of *** ? 14) You got a low score on ****,why? 15) What‘s your favorite subject. and why? What do you like to study most? Why? 16) Why do you change your major? 17) What‘s the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
签证问题汇总 (2) 1) Which school will you go to? 2) How do you know this Univ.? 3) Please explain why you chose **** University in academic standard level in details. Please give me FIVE reasons why you select this university! Why do you choose this Univ.? Why did you apply this Univ., please give me some academic reason? (他回答的最后一条原因是有很多著名教授。) ... Then, specify someone.(说出教授名字) 4) How many universities have you applied? How many of them admitted you? How many of them give you financial aids? ... 5) When was the university founded?...Who found the university? ...Who is the chairman of the department? ... 6) TELL ME the standard to judge a school. 7) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else? 8) Why will you go to study in this school but not stay in your institute?
三. 资金问题 1) How much is your salary of one month? 2) Have you any scholarship? 3) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.? Why does the univ give you funding? 4) How long will you get your financial support? 5) Your assistantship is for one year, can you convince me that you can get it next years? Where can you get money for the following years? 6) Where does your sponsor/you get the funds from? 7) Who will offer you the money? 8) How much will you earn if you come back? 9) Please show me your bank document.
四. 去向问题 1) How long will you study in USA? How long you plan to get your Phd? 2) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? What is your plan after you come back to china, as a teacher or find a high salary job? (注:这类似诱供,若回答high salary,对方会说美国工资更高,你不会回来!) 3) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? Why won‘t you stay in the US? You will be an American engineer after you finish your PH.D!! How can you convince me that you will come back? 理由一定要过硬、真诚。发挥想象力,想出一个自己都信以为真、梦中笑醒的美好未来。 4) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn‘t come back? 5) Do u feel that you are trapped in a logic loop? U c, you said you come back to earn money and you said you will not be attracted by good living conditions? 6) You said you will go to study in the US because there are more advanced techniques and facilities, and more able professors. Then why will you come back to China after you graduate? (这是我的原创, hehe) 签证问题汇总(3) 7) If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach? 8) How much will you earn if you come back? 9) You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don‘t you want to earn more?
五. 历史问题 1) When/where did you get your BS/MS? 2) What is your academic background? 3) Will you get a bachelor/master degree? 4) How much is your TOEFL/GRE score ? 5) What is your undergraduate major? Which school? 6) What have you done after you graduated from university?
六. 家庭问题 1) Are you married? 2) When did you get married? 3) Do you want your wife/husband to go with you? 4) Any relative in the united states? Parents? ...Anybody else in the US? ... 5) Why didn‘t you get married? 6) What do your parents do?
七. 其他问题 1) Where are you studying now? What are you doing for living? Which university are you in? 2) What is your purpose for the visa? 3) What is the most difficult class do you have? 4) Where do/will you live ? Where is your Hukou(户口,用中文)? 5) Where is your hometown? 6) Do you have any speciality? What‘s your best/worst quality? 7) Is it you? 8) Why are you nervous? 9) Why your Diploma look so new ? Are they forged ? 10) What is the thing you like best in America. ...Then what is the thing you don‘t like most in China? ... What kind of good things do you know about America? What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S? Then what is the thing you like/don‘t like most in China? 11) Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive his visa or not? 12) When are you going to enter US? 13) What is your dream? 14) How old are you? 15) How long do you commute to your school? 16) Have you ever been to other countries? 17) What‘s your favorite animal. and why? What is your favorite pet? Why? 18) Who do you think is the best president of the U.S? 19) Who do you think is the greatest leader of the world? why? 20) Why you are refused at last time and what kind of visa you apply?
F-2问题: 1.认识时间,地点 2.结婚时间,地点 3.赴美目的 4.孩子问题 5.本人工作 6.提供照片 |